Why can’t the Left define what a woman is?
From Supreme Court nominee to Labour Frontbencher Left and Liberals are frightened to define a woman
Why can’t the Left define what a woman is? It should be easy, surely? It’s not that there aren’t billions of us on the planet or that we haven’t been around for millions of years? But they do find it rather difficult , dare I say it almost impossible
One place you would have thought it would have been very clear is in theHouse of Commons at its annual International Woman’s Day celebration debate (why in today’s days of equality is there a need for this debate or there isn’t an International Mens Day I don’t know? But heh what do I know I’m only an undefined woman!).
Yet, even in this forum of pro-feminist, talkfest of super womanhood no such definition was forthcoming. The closest we got to it was when an upset Anneliese Dodds, the Labour Party, Shadow Women and Equalities Secretary, demanded an apology from Tory MP Sir Bernard Jenkin, who claimed she was “unable or unwilling” to give a clear answer to the question n BBC woman’s hour.
The MP for Oxford North’s answer was not only instructive of her, our vapid modern politics and the Labour Party’s fear and avoidance of responding clearly and definitely on the question.
“I would like to ask the honourable member for evidence of the statement he has just made. I would like him to provide a transcript of my comments, any quotes he can find from anywhere that would indicate that at any point, I have not been clear about what a woman is. It’s quite easy for me, given that I am a woman.”
There you are clarity itself. The definition of a woman is “that I am a woman” So by just saying I am a woman is the definition of a woman. Alternatively, was she saying look at me. I look like a woman therefore I am a woman. So the definition of a woman is that I look like a woman and say I am a woman and therefore I am a woman. Perfect! As clear as a petri dish of primordial germ cells in early stage embryonic growth
So to be fair sister Annaliese we should read and comment on her own words in the so here is the transcript of the relevant questioning by BBC present Emma Barnett Woman’s hour.
Emma Barnett: “And Labour’s definition of a woman?”
Anneliese Dodds: “Well, I have to say that there are different definitions legally around what a woman actually is. I mean, you look at the definition within the Equality Act, and I think it just says someone who is adult and female, I think, but then doesn’t see how you define either of those things. I mean, obviously, that’s then you’ve got the biological definition, legal definition”
Ok. Poor Annaliese doesn’t have a definition so tries to say a woman is defined legally and biologically. Classic political obfuscation and avoidance if you don’t have any answer, but maybe she was just warming up. Ready to give us her stream of conscious definitional perfection.
Emma Barnett: “With respect, I didn’t ask for that. What’s the Labour definition?”
Anneliese Dodds: “Oh, I think with respect, Emma, I think it does depend what the context is surely. I mean surely that is important here. You know, there are people who have decided that they have to make that transition. You know, I’ve spoken with many of them. It’s been a very difficult process for many of those people. And you know, understandably because they live as a woman, you know, they want to be defined as a woman. That’s what the gender recognition act…again a Labour…is brought into place.”
Nope. No skills of language here just tomfoolery. No definition of a woman from Labour just an explanation that some men want to be defined as a woman and that it is a difficult process. This is the answer to the question is it hard for a man to transition to a woman not what is the definition of a woman. Still Emma continues and we may yet find a gem from wizardry of definitions its Dodds
Emma Barnett: Context is all but trans women are women from your perspective? Is that right?
Anneliese Dodds: But then when you come to the Equality Act, and you know, Emma, I’m not going to…
Emma Barnett: You’re just shadow Women and Equalities Minister. I’ve been asked this by about eight messages here. And I’m just trying to clarify, because the government’s been very clear, it’s not going ahead in England, with the process of self-identification. So that’s why I’m asking you.
So there you have it. The Labour Party’s non definition of a woman by the Labour Party, Shadow Women and Equalities Secretary. To be fair Anneliese Does mayn’t have given a legal definition, or a party policy definition but she did give us a hint at what her personal definition is. “Any man that wants to be defined as a woman” which goes back to her initial house of commons statement “a woman is that I look like a woman and say I am a woman and therefore I am a woman”
Many in politics would have seen this and an epic fail. However, not in the Labour Party. Filled with chutzpah a video celebrating Labour and Woman was put out by the champion of definitions Dodds.
J. K. Rowling response was very clear, yet the only thing that rattles is the Leader of the Opposition Kier Starmer. He to cannot define a woman and is going for the huge Transgender vote by saying transgender men are women despite not being able to define what a woman is. I think a clear picture of Labour policy is forming. Being a woman is what a man says or wants to be.
Back in the House of Commons it is now very clear that what the MP for Harwich and North Essex sBernard Jenkins said about Miss Dodds is not untrue. The transcript does show she was “unable or unwilling” to provide a definition of what is a woman.
Having said that Miss Dodds is not alone in the Left or Liberals from not being able to define woman. In the US they are hosting a senate committee to appoint one of their top judges to the US Supreme Court. The Democrat nominee is Ketanji Brown Jackson a former Harvard law graduate, judge and public defender. One would thought as a woman lawyer and judge she would know. But alas she also said No I cannot define “woman”
The issue of transgenderism and transgender politics is too much from the Left and Liberals. In seeking to help a very small minority they cannot help the majority of woman and are struggling. Their default action is to promote one over the other and they cannot see they are creating division not equality. They are lost and quite frankly hopeless.
It is therefore weird to say that in the House of Commons debate there was only one person willing to define a woman. Bernard Jenkins
The MP for Harwich and North Essex said, “bastions of feminism” are “bullied online” because they talk about this issue, adding: “But we, as legislators, we must be clear and courageous about what a man is and what a woman is
He went on: “We have to be clear about what words mean in our legislation. And astonishingly, some of us are reluctant to be clear. A woman is an adult female human.
Yes, at last a woman is an adult female human.
He also went onto to say “We should always respond positively to people with genuine gender dysphoria, and I deliver this speech with kindness in my heart.”
He is right of course, but the current approach by the left to simply redefine transgender people as man or woman is not answering that issue. By forcing billions to change biology and many other aspects of humanity to fit a small minority without considering compromise options is also a failure. It is also a failure when it takes a man to actually define a woman.
This piece by Clare is also published on LIBERTATIO page on SUBSTACK read here https://www.libertatio.com/?p=1288